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Rug Tips

Rug Tips

How To Remove Water-Based Ink Stains From Carpet

Water based ink stains include rollerball pens and washable markers. Mix 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid with lukewarm water. Dab a towel into water, then blot the ink stain with the towel without rubbing. Repeat this process until stain has disappeared. By acting quickly and using the right cleaning methods, you can remove most types of ink from any surfaces and fabrics.

How to Remove Gum From Carpet

Remove Gum via The Ice Cube Method. To prevent a sticky situation from getting even stickier, give lodged-in gum wads the cold shoulder—with ice cubes! Gather ice cubes from the freezer, and then complete the following steps: Place a couple of ice cubes in a plastic bag. Press the bag of ice onto the offending gum wad. Leave the ice on the gum for at least 1 minute. This will freeze and harden the gum, making it easier to lift off. Gently pick at and pull the frozen gum from the carpet using your fingers, a scraping tool, or a butter knife. Start lifting along the edges and move toward the center of the wad, taking care not to remove the carpet fibers along with the gum! (Master this technique, and in the future you can even apply it to upholstery messes and gummed-up clothes.) At this point, most of the gum should be out of sight and out of mind, but if stubborn residue remains, root it out with a few drops of a rub featuring methyl salicylate (such as the pain-relieving cream BENGAY). Scrub away any discoloration or carpet stains left in the gum’s wake with a mild carpet-cleaning detergent. Rinse the area with warm water to send your gummy ordeal packing!